These Tyvek wristbands are a cost-effective solution for all kinds of events, conferences, concerts, parties, tours and even child safety. Custom branded with your logo or details, these can be written on for added features. Tyvek is a waterproof material which is extremely durable. The wristbands come with a closure designed to show when tampered with.
White – R1.00 each
Coloured – R1.20 each
White with print – R1.50 each
Coloured with print – R1.70 each
Includes 10 Wristbands
Orders accepted in multiples of 10. All prices inc vat.
Terms and Conditions Apply. Offer valid until further notice.
Child Safety
Perfect for field trips or outings. Have peace of mind that when your child gets lost or separated from the group, a mobile or emergency contact number may ensure that they can be reunited safely with their caregiver.
Allergy Alert – as an extra precaution, you can alert the caregiver of any life threatening allergies that your child may have.
Ticket Alternative
These can be issued prior to the event with all relevant information. All bands come with a unique number and cannot be duplicated.
Baggage Tags
Mark your luggage with a bright coloured band to easily identify your items. Print your name and contact number on these so in case of your bag getting lost, anyone can easily get a hold of you.